
Our harvesting agreements include walking your woodlot, determining the amount of merchantable wood present, creating forest inventory maps, creating land maps, harvest design plan, and your estimated return from the wood sale.

We know soil erosion is unsightly and can negatively impact the land. To prevent and reduce rutting, all of our equipment is equipped with low impact tires and tracks. Our crew has also been trained in harvesting wood to prevent damage to the soil in sustainable methods. Our forestry crew is also trained and follows the forestry Best Management Practices codes.

Forestry Equipment

With over 25 years in forestry, we have experience placing our customers first. It only takes one call or e-mail to have one of our technicians visit your woodlot or construction site to provide you with an estimate.

In addition to having modern machinery, our harvester has a GPS unit that tells the operator where wetlands, boundaries and special areas are on the woodlot.

Contact us for harvesting and our professional forestry personnel will determine what we can offer for your timber at no cost to you.

The gallery below shows you the different equipment used.



Cuts, debranches, and cuts the logs into desired lengths.


Picks up logs from the forest and carries them to the road.


Logging Trucks

Carries the wood from the side of the road to its final destination.

Forest Harvesting

We can do a variety of different forest harvest styles.

Picture #1 shows our operators sort piles as they work to save time and make the most out of your timber. This picture depicts sorted piles of pulp wood, stud wood and firewood. 

Picture #2  shows that we also reduce the amount of soil compaction and ruts left behind by using flotation tires and by having an eye for what future forests may look like. This picture is one of our clear cut harvests. 

Picture #3 shows a selective cut in which the processor operator left all hardwood trees behind.

Picture #4 & 5 reassures you that we have the right equipment to harvest your forests.



Shelterwood Cut

Designed to remove 40-50% of the forest canopy. This removes mature and overmature timber, yet leaves the forest floor cool enough to support new tree growth. This aids in seedling growth as it casts more shade onto competing plant species. This is not the most profitable harvest but it is one of the best for the environment.

Selection Cut

Designed to remove a certain proportion of a forest. This cut typically removes only the mature or overmature species of trees. This aids in the reduction of insect and disease damage.

Selective Cut

Designed to pick and choose which trees to keep and which trees to leave behind. Usually up to the owners discretion but often left to the cutter.

Clear Cut

The almost complete removal all merchantable timber from a forest. Wildlife clumps are left to provide habitat for animals. This is the most profitable cut.

Work Samples

Please note the wildlife clump is representative of what the surrounding forest was. Our wildlife clumps and corridors provide shade for animals, hiding spots from predators, and food. Competitors’ wildlife clumps usually consist of dead trees and leave little to no cover for animals.

We also reduce the amount of soil compaction and ruts left behind by using flotation tires and by having an eye for what future forests may look like.

Types Of Wood Products

There are many products that merchantable wood can be made and sold as. These products include: Studwood, Plywood, Paper, Firewood and Biomass.

This page is intended to show the products that wood can be turned into.


This is a pile of softwood trees that will go to a sawmill to produce studwood such as 2×4’s, 4×4’s, etc.

Picture #1 shows you what that pile if studwood looks like after it has been processed by the sawmill.


Pulpwood is comprised of logs that are smaller than four inches in diameter or cannot be made into sawlogs due to quality reasons.

Picture #1 shows you the products pulpwood can make.


This term can be decieving for some but, for use in Nova Scotia, Biomass is parts of the tree trunk that cannot be used for pulp or stud wood. They can be crooked, dead, charred, windblown or have insect damage. This wood is used to heat a boiler and produce electricity for a wood mill or to be fed into the power grid.

Biomass IS NOT branches, leaves, crowns or roots.

Notice that the logs do not rest flush on top of each other. These logs are crooked, charred, have insect damage or have been dead for a long time. Up until now, these logs would not bring the landowner money but now, the landowner can sell these logs to the mills too.

1785 Highway 105
Queensville, Nova Scotia
B9A 1R9

Tel: 902-625-0444

Located just outside of Port Hawkesbury, we are central to Northern Nova Scotia. Give us a call and see what we can do for you. We are your one stop for all of your land and property needs.

Thank you for visiting our website. Please look around and view our photos. If you see anything that you like or, if you have an idea, give us a call and we can provide you with a free estimate.

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